
United States

Poland the airline is a from New York, the United States and flies to Poland the Boeing of capital city Warszawa-767 aerobuses rise and fall to appear breakdown while arriving Chopin's international airport in Warszawa on the afternoon of the 1st, but succeed forced landing, don't make the personnel die or injure

Poland airline spokesman Huo hot man Si radicle notifies a circumstance to say to the media reporter, the aerobus that belongs to Poland an airline at first Be planned to Poland local time 13:Land Chopin's international airport for 35 cents.The airplane pilot rises and falls to appear breakdown after discovering an airplane while preparing to land, can not let go of.The airplane in the sky hovers around for an hour and didn't rise and fall a landings after putting to get empty all fuel.The airplane is used a fuselage at spread the runway last forced landing of full plastics foam, the fuselage rubs an a little amount Mars, perfect landings.The 230 passengers and machine set personnel neither gets hurt on board.

Before the airplane forced landing, Poland the air force still send two fighter jets F-16s to escort for this aerobus.

Poland the spokesman of airline said, this is the company's history up for the very first time forced landing, succeed the forced landing then completely be attributed to the airplane pilot's superb driver's technique.That airplane pilot has more than 20 years of flight experience, is one of second to none company airplane pilots.Poland president section Mo Luo Fu the Si radicle praise airplane pilot and machine to constitute a member"calamity time of effectively match


