
Printing technology

printing company

Printing technology is through the plate, printing, Postpress bulk copy text image method.

Printing technology of generalized explanation should be: printing technology is the printing process and printing equipment. Printing process and printing equipment two are interdependent, promote each other, simply put, the printing process is inseparable from the printing machine; printing machine is also inseparable from the printing process. At all times and in all countries that the printing technology, continuous development.


Printing factory technical personnel, not only proficient in printing process skills, but also should master printing process equipment ( printing press) knowledge; on the contrary, printing machine factory technical personnel, not only proficient in printing equipment printing machine } { design and production skills, but also should master printing process knowledge, both of which combine the better, more refined knowledge of printing technology, the new technology, new product research and development is more advantageous. Therefore, should fully understand the meaning of standard terms.

Printing in China has a long history, as early as the first year ( 105 years ) Eastern Hanxing paper before Cai Lun invention, the Warring States era stage has been invented in the silk fabrics using negative tattoo stencil printing hole printing operation.

Sui Mo Tang, namely the early seventh Century the invention of woodblock printing, in the Northern Song Dynasty, the printing master Sheng using typography ( 1041), in China's printing history to create paper movable type printing in the new era. In the subsequent development of printing in 1000, experienced a gravure printing, lithographic printing process change.


