
security " stomach"

24 hours of security " stomach"
Protecting stomach stomach in addition to the proper diet, one day has eight hours are stomach protecting critical moments.
The stomach is an important human organ, all nutrients are to pass its processing can be used by the body. There are many people not to treat it, irregular diet, smoking and so on will make the stomach hurts. For this, we invite nutrition and digestive department experts to formulate a plan for 24 hours." Stomach".
7: 00 early morning a cup of warm boiling water. The morning wash after half a cup to drink a cup of warm boiling water, can replenish water, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help gastrointestinal ready for breakfast ready.
8: 00 best breakfast time. Breakfast is best to get up in 1 hours after lunch, and the interval of 4 hours. Long term do not eat breakfast easily lead to nutritional imbalance, and increase the risk of the risk of gallstones.
12: 00 do not immediately take a nap after lunch. Lunch time as far as possible not abundant, fast immediately after the dinner ready for work. After dinner the best quiet for a little while, ensure the blood flows to large gastrointestinal, make it work. In addition, not immediately take a nap after lunch, the best rest sleep again.
14: 00 a cigarette after a meal, to see fairies. Smoking can cause vasoconstriction, gastric protection capacity variation. At the same time, nicotine, nicotine and other poisons will enter the saliva, which may lead to gastric ulcer.
16: 00 meals most protect "stomach". PM if hungry, can be appropriate to add a little fruit dessert, prolonged fasting is easy to lead to gastric ulcer and gastrointestinal disorders.
19: 00 stand for half an hour after supper. Have gastroesophageal reflux, try not to lie or sit down meal, so that the acid will reflux into the esophagus, so that aggravate the symptoms. Postprandial best to stand for half an hour, but don't do strenuous exercise, otherwise easy to indigestion.
20: 00 after having meal 1 hours don't do" couch potato". This is most easily when fat accumulation, try not to sit in front of the television when" couch potato", can walk or jog.
22: 00 before try not to eat. Drink milk before going to bed is not everyone's" health prescription". This will stimulate gastric acid and bile secretion, stomach bad people do not eat best.


