
decline blood sugar

Three text fishes wait 5 kinds of foods to decline blood sugar
The blood sugar is high is isn't that be used not to eat high sugar food?Not also.Still want "double the feet counteract", eat some foods that decline sugar the accommodation is just.

The food matches absurdity to induct to even aggravate diabetes, but also has some foods to greatly have an advantage to the condition of control diabetes.Recently, "Yahoo net" in the United States carried a text to tally up"5 kinds of super control sugar of food".

Wild three text fishes.The University of California in the United States researcher discovers that wild enrich to contain in three text fishes of rice Qie in Europe-3 fatty acidses, ameliorable insulin sensitivity and decrease burning disease.75% diabetes death case, all in fact because the heart dirty disease or stroke cause.《New England medical science magazine 》publish a 17- years research and discover, raise rice Qie in blood Central Europe-3 fatty acids levels can lower the abrupt death danger of heart attack.

The beginning squeezes olive oil.《The Medicine learns cultural heritage 》magazine publish a research to suggest, the olive oil is rich to contain single unsaturated fatty acid and contribute to lowering blood sugar and blood pressure.Still imply anti- oxidizing agent the olive oil stimulate Quan, can lower C reaction egg white, decrease burning disease occurrence, then alleviate the condition of diabetes.

Bean.The bean is rich to contain cellulose and magnesium, the former contributes to raising blood sugar and bearing and being subjected to dint, but for the latter, a research that involves 85,0003 and tries in Harvard University discover, absorbs a magnesium more person, its diabetes falls ill risk and lowers 30%.

Onions.It is the important food source of trace element chrome.The research discovers that the chrome contributes to a human body to more availably make use of insulin and keeps a blood sugar stability.《Biochemistry 》the magazine publish a research and will discover in the near future, the chrome is an insulin to build up.A cup livings onions or the half cup familiar onions to contain 24 tiny gram of chromes.(the healthy guidebook recommends a day to absorb to measure to 25~35 tiny gram of)

Nut.The single unsaturated fatty acid in the nut is sour to contribute to conversing insulin of holdout.Every day eat nut can also make the heart attack on the sick list risk lowered 35%.《Metabolize 》the magazine carried a text to say, the almond is that the nut head choose, Be rich to contain protein and anti- oxidizing agent because of it, often eating can lower to rise sugar index number.There is another research discovering, eat 5 dangers that women of peanut butters contract 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease to lower 20% every week.


